– Connecting individuals for a better understanding –


— “We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.” Kofi Annan (Ghanian Diplomat, 7th UN Secretary-General, 2001 Nobel Peace Prize Winner) —

Dear visitor,

Welcome on Interculturalconnection, the Website consacred to the improvement of your Intercultural understanding.

My name is Emmanuel, I am a French immigrant, Professional in Communication and Marketing, passionate about Intercultural questions.

Two years ago, I chose to immigrate to Toronto – one of the top 5 multicultural cities in the World – the best school to learn about many diverse cultures and to understand how they manage to coexist on a same spot.

Through my diverse International experience, I have noticed that many organisations and individuals face a recurrent problem: the lack of cultural understanding.

Needless to say, in our interconnected World, this issue is a major one.

  • On an individual level, it often leads to misinterpretations of people from other races, opening a wide door to harsh judgment.
  • On a professional level, cultural understanding is, unfortunately, very often relegated to the second rank, which leads organizations to make bad strategic choices, unaware of the cultural pitfalls they will encounter.

— “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” Mother Teresa (Roman Catholic Religious Sister and missionary) —

If you look for some cultural tips before investing in a business in a foreign country…

If you wish to communicate more efficiently with your foreign colleague…

If you crave understanding better the family of your foreign boy/girlfriend…

Or simply if you want to learn more about other cultures, and in the meantime, discover more about yourself…

…Interculturalconnection will undeniably bring you some good insights, inspirations and fun!


You will find all kinds of articles. Some technical ones, some psychosociological ones, and some more personal ones, related to lessons I learn through my daily life, articles/books I read or movies that catch my attention.

Being also a writer for the fantastic Website torontomulticulturalcalendar, you will have the opportunity to read my impressions about diverse local Torontonian cultural gatherings.

Finally, you will find articles about people who, in my opinion, contribute in bridging cultures and gathering people in a genuine and/or innovative way. I call them “Intercultural key people”.

I hope you will have pleasure reading my posts. Please, feel free to leave your impressions any time and to invite your friends to comment.


As we say, the more, the merrier.

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